Saturday, 25 August 2012

Recent Photos on Instagram

Just to let you guys what I've been up to as I don't know about you but I love being nosey and looking at what you guys have got up to!

Watched Crazy Stupid Love, I adore Ryan Gosling.
Love wearing skinny jeans and a checkered shirt.
Went and saw Ted with my boyfriend, very funny!
Pub and glass of white wine and boyfriend.
Got my free 1/2 a chicken at Nandos, was blissful.
Not a big fan of Costa but their flapjack is yummy.
My boyfriend bought a tiger onesie to wear at Creamfields, I stole it.
We made a very yummy dinner.
The studded iPhone case that I made (see post here)

What have you guys been up to? Can't believe how many of my Instagram photos are about food, oops.
Follow me on Instagram my username is smurraymorris (my full name!)


  1. looks like you had a lovely time :) and the food looks yummy! xx

  2. love the iphone cover, and the onesie of course hehe!
